Form Validation Library Codeigniter

This library is an extended from the Codeigniter library by adding the below features.


  • Added validation methods that are not available in Codeigniter form validation library.
  • Some of the methods are overwritten to solve some issues with repopulating the form fields with the Codeigniter form validation library.


  • valid_name Allows to validate a name field. The letters that are used in name are validated.
  • valid_text Allows the plain text that can be entered in a text area. HTML tags are not allowed.
  • valid_richtext Allows rich text user input. Used in PWG generated rich text editor.
  • edit_unique Unique key validation while editing a field. Codeigniter's is_unique can be used while inserting a record and cannot be used while updating the record.
  • valid_date Validate if the date is valid. Cosidered format is dd/mm/yyyy.
  • valid_url Validate if the value is a valid URL.
  • set_value This overwritten methods allows re-populating input box even if there is no validation on it.
  • set_select This overwritten methods allows re-populating select field even if there is no validation on it.
  • set_checkbox This overwritten methods allows re-populating check box field even if there is no validation on it